Twitter hits home. Or, “Honey, what’s that intern doing in our kitchen?”

Despite the industry I’m in, people still seem to question me about the value of Twitter. They understand that the big sports and entertainment stars use Twitter to stay in touch with their legions of fans. Chances are they know about dissident groups tweeting to coordinate protests or to avoid authorities. Unfortunately, they probably also have a largely dormant Twitter account.  Continue reading

Careful, your iceberg may be melting

My dear wife came home from a trip the other day with yet another book for me to read. It’s not that I mind reading the books she recommends, it’s just that I have a stack of my own to get through in addition to a big stack of her recommendations."You can read it on your flight," she told me as she stuffed it into my briefcase.So I did."Our Iceberg Is Melting," is a simple little fable about penguins…and change. It could be the best of the business-fable category since, "Who Moved My Cheese." I’m going to recommend it to the staff here at Charleston Orwig.You might want to check out "Iceberg" for yourself.

Sick to Death of Bad News

Yesterday a friend of mine told me he stopped watching TV news."I’m sick of the same depressing story being played over and over again," he said.I had to agree in a recent blog post.It’s true that there are fundamental problems with the global economy. There is going to be more pain and suffering before we get through this. It’s also true that MOST of us are still working. Every day, we show up for duty, go out to lunch, pay our mortgages when they are due. To listen to the media, though, one would think the world spends the day standing in a bread line.Charleston|Orwig is holding its own during this challenging period. My partners and I are not naive. We realize we could take a punch in the nose any day. I can tell you with assurance, however, that we will get through this. So will you.It’s my opinion that the media is doing the world a dis-service at the moment. They constantly churn bad news at a time when clarity and accuracy are what the world needs.

Social Media for a Good Cause–Twitter trending

At Charleston|Orwig, we’re using social media to promote awareness of Rare Disease Day on February 28th. To generate a groundswell of buzz, we’re going to try to make Rare Disease Day one of the trending (hot) topics on Twitter February 28. Tweeters can do that by commenting on the #Rare Project (The hash rare project) in their tweets and including #Rare within their 140 characters. Links and info are on a blog post I wrote.
It’s a great experiment with social media. And an even greater cause.