Time for marketers to stop talking about branding

Many business people are openly dismissive of “branding” as meaningless fluff. I agree. Twenty-odd years of brand consulting has convinced me that they’re right. The word “branding” itself has no more substance than a dust bunny and about as much impact on the bottom line. That’s why if brand management means anything to your company, take this advice: Ditch the word “branding.”

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If the traditional ad agency is dead, what will take its place?

It was 17 years ago this month that McKinsey & Company published a strategy paper called “A revolution in interaction”. It was a look forward at the likely economic impact of the internet and the mechanisms that would drive it. In 1997 few of us had any idea about the changes that were about to transform marketing or how quickly the business models that defined our industry would become obsolete.

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The real reason your content is not engaging online

Are your social media or content marketing efforts under performing? Before you spend any more time tweaking your content strategy and online tactics, ask yourself honestly: How engaging is my brand? Content doesn’t engage an audience, brand identity does. And that is the first place you should look if you’re not getting traction online.

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The Problem with Passion

Wanting to do something with all your heart is great. It can bestow extraordinary focus, drive and fortitude. That’s always been the case. But in recent years I find this sentiment is increasingly being confused with a positioning strategy for brands and individuals. The word used to fuel this fallacy is “passion”.

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Why Content Marketing is more than Publishing Content

The Cure for Content: Part II (read part I)

If content is really king then why do most organizations still treat is like the court jester? Under funded, non-prioritized, programs run by junior staff with minimal strategic ability are more the norm than the exception. A recent North American study by the Content Marketing Institute found that on average over half (56%) of those who claim to practice content marketing do so without a documented strategy. In other words, they make it up as they go along.

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