TAAN’s Daily Twitter Newspaper – Read all about it

 We are testing a new Twitter tool that will create a daily "newspaper" that is populated from Twitter posts. We set up a new Twitter Follow List that is essentially all the TAAN members that post to Twitter. This paper will grab the posts that are linked to articles on the web, then assemble them into a page format each day.

If you want to see the paper, use this link: http://paper.li/TAANnews/taan-network

You have the option to have the daily paper sent to you via email by clicking the "alert me" button on the top of the page and entering your emil address.

This is an excellent way to stay informed on topics that have been posted by TAAN members, even if you do not use Twitter.

If you are using Twitter, and you are not on the TAAN Member Follow List, please let me know. I will add you.

I want to thank Charleston|Orwig  and Levy McCallum for helping make this new program happen.

Also want to send thanks to Tom Martin for sharing the idea with us.