What Do Clients Think of the Future for Agencies?

Who is delivering more of what clients are seeking?

The RSW/US report has been published. 2011 New Business Report: A Client’s Look Ahead at Agencies was completed by 174 key Marketing decision makers from across the United States during March, 2011. The study takes a look at where Marketers think Agencies are headed in the coming years and analyzes Marketers’ overall satisfaction with Agencies and presents ideas/suggestions on how Agencies should pitch and market to prospective clients.

Thanks to Mark Sneider and Lee McKight at RSW/US for sending over the full survey for the TAAN Members to read and digest.

Members — The Survey was uploaded to the Resources: Document Library: Surveys section of the site.

Also see today’s Adweek article that summarizes the survey results:
"Marketers to Digital Shops: Diversify or Die.."