A message from Japan

TAAN Members and friends

These past weeks have been extremely difficult for the people of Japan. The world watches as they struggle to recover from multiple disasters. Even now the nuclear meltdown possibility still looms. We can all hope that this situation will be resolved with minimal damage to their country. We can also try to help however we can.

Since the first news of the earthquake, I have been exchanging emails with our close friend, Kan Taniguchi at Tugboat in Tokyo. He and his family and friends are okay. I know we are all thankful for that.

On behalf of all of TAAN, we wish the Tugboat agency our heartfelt hopes that all will good very soon for our network friends. We also send all the people of Japan our hopes for the future. If you can, please help in some way.

I asked Kan to send me a note about the situation from his perspective that I could share with all of you. 

Here is what he wrote to all of us:

Dear friends at TAAN

We would like to thank you for all your kind care and support after the recent east Japan quake.
Tokyo too was shaking like end of the world. It was really scary.
We closed our office only after few days because the damage at the nuclear plant was becoming a thread. It was a thread as we had no knowledge of nuclear nor its effect, neither did the company and the government who were in charge. The foreign embassies and companies ordered their people to evacuate to west, or even out of the country. These decisions and lack of knowledge caused tremendous fear.
SNSs caused tsunami of unreliable rumors, which panicked people. On the other hand, it also encouraged and helped so many weakened souls when mobile phones/SMS were down at the time you really needed it.
TV channels broadcasted the damages 24/7, public service ads were repeatedly running after most of advertisers postponed or cancelled their promotional activities.
Now people are back and less nervous. But the city still needs to save electricity. Transportation are limited, streets are dark and shortage of some things. People devastated to spend and go out.
But this is nothing comparing to people surviving around the epicenter.
In case you are concerned we, TUGBOAT, are back and running. We thought the short cut to recovery is to live normally. Get the activities going. Squeeze our idea to inspire survivors. Tell our friends around the world that we are cool.
April is another month and start of another financial year in Japan.
A spring is just around the corner!

All the best,

 kan taniguchi / T U G B O A T